Tuesday, May 24, 2005

No Progress This Week

I fell off the working out wagon this week. To be honest, it hasn't been one of my best weeks. Since I don't like harping on the bad stuff, I'm not going to talk about it. In fact I realized how bad its getting when I woke up this morning and the first thing I thought about was the afternoon from hell I had yesterday. Not a good way to start the day.

Enough about that! I do have good news. As of this morning, my sister is in early labor. The doctor told her she was going to have a long labor (her last one was for 22 hours). I hope it's not that long this time around. As you could imagine, I'm extremely ecstatic about this. At the same time I'm very sad that I won't be able to hold him (she's having a boy) for another two weeks or so. She did promise to take a picture of him right away and send it via phone. Wish her and the baby lots of luck!!! Keep you posted.

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