Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Can't Sleep

I've been up since 4:15 this morning. An hour has gone by and I'm wide awake. This sleep disruption will put a damper on my day because I have so much to do. Luckily, I don't have to go to work because of my doctor's appointment. I do have a lot of running around to do. I'm finishing my thank you cards from the shower, a visit to Babies R Us is a must, I'm paying a visit to my local craft store (I need to buy buttons for the jacket I knitted for William), of course I have to go to the post office (to mail out the thank you cards), and last but not least, laundry must be done.

What will eventually happen is that once the sun comes up (yeah, sometimes I wonder if I am a vampire) I fall back to sleep, which will totally disrupt any possibility of getting all of my chores done. What also sucks is that it's so nice and comfortable in bedroom (temp wise) that I don't have to push Dan away because I'm too hot. And now I'm missing out on that.

Alright, I will attempt this sleep thing again. Sleep gods please help me out on this!

1 comment:

GClef1970 said...

Oh yeah, you're getting close!!